
Times passing

Sometimes I wonder where time goes. Life is like a train moving at high speed through time. Someone booked a one-way ticket for us, no return allowed. We see stations but we can't get out. You've got your seat reserved, lodge in your compartment and are able to get other seats better or worse. Perhaps you are able to connect to some other individual and share a compartment for some time, maybe years. Each day passing is a blurry image shooting by. No day is like any other but they melt together wound to one big reel, the movie of your life where you only remember the highlights, the pivotal scenes. It's the movie you are the main character in, no reheasal necessary. On the last day of your life it will have its premiere with you the only one to watch. No standing ovations, no rerun, sorry.

We dream of getting out, stopping the train, turning it some other way, sending it back or putting the engine to reverse. The engine, I need not tell you, is off-limits to us. In our sleep at the deep of night when we are in the land of dreams we sometimes seem to be able to step out, see that station, go back. Daylight brings us back to reality. Never will we change anything. Life passes on with only one station. It's the one where our train terminates.


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