
Poisened by DIOXIN

"Dioxin Poisoning Scars Ukrainian Presidential Candidate" the headline runs. Really horrible - poisoning as a way to assassine inconspiciously. It's an ugly way to get rid of some political opponent. If one is to believe those numerous reports Dioxin has been in use as a weapon to eliminate unwanted competitors for some time. It kills slowly by shutting down vital organs such as the liver. Thus it weakens the body's immune systeme and defences. Often people who took in a lethal dose of Dioxin are said to die before the poison finishes it's work. They commit suicide. In Seveso the consequences of Dioxin poisoning were widely studied, giving experts a deep insight into the effects of different levels of Dioxin poisoning and the way it affects people's health and minds. That presidential candidate seems to stand a good chance to recover. But he won't be save then because those who attempted that dreadful assassination won't stop there.


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